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Convergence Module

Convergence diagnostics for monte-carlo markov chain (MCMC) analyses.


Type Description


A per-parameter convergence statistic. The statistic used is given in `StatisticName`.

Functions and values

Function or value Description

gelmanRubin nMostRecent subjectId hypothesisId result

Full Usage: gelmanRubin nMostRecent subjectId hypothesisId result

    nMostRecent : int - How many recent iterations to use from the trace.
    subjectId : string - The subject identifier
    hypothesisId : string - The hypothesis identifier
    result : ResultSet<'subject, 'hypothesis> - A result set (of 1 .. many results) for a particular subject and hypothesis

Returns: ConvergenceStatistic seq option If more than one replicate, the R-hat convergence statistic across replicates

Calculate the Gelman-Rubin statistic for each parameter in the given `ResultSet`. The statistic tends downwards to one, with one indicating perfect convergence between all chains.

nMostRecent : int

How many recent iterations to use from the trace.

subjectId : string

The subject identifier

hypothesisId : string

The hypothesis identifier

result : ResultSet<'subject, 'hypothesis>

A result set (of 1 .. many results) for a particular subject and hypothesis

Returns: ConvergenceStatistic seq option

If more than one replicate, the R-hat convergence statistic across replicates

gelmanRubinAll nMostRecent subject hypothesis results

Full Usage: gelmanRubinAll nMostRecent subject hypothesis results

    nMostRecent : int - How many recent iterations to use from the trace.
    subject : 'subject -> string - A function to retrieve a subject ID from a subject
    hypothesis : 'hypothesis -> string - A function to retrieve a hypothesis ID from a hypothesis
    results : ResultSet<'subject, 'hypothesis> seq

Returns: ConvergenceStatistic seq If more than one replicate, the R-hat convergence statistic across replicates

Calculate the Gelman-Rubin statistic for each parameter in all of the given `ResultSet`. The statistic tends downwards to one, with one indicating perfect convergence between all chains.

nMostRecent : int

How many recent iterations to use from the trace.

subject : 'subject -> string

A function to retrieve a subject ID from a subject

hypothesis : 'hypothesis -> string

A function to retrieve a hypothesis ID from a hypothesis

results : ResultSet<'subject, 'hypothesis> seq
Returns: ConvergenceStatistic seq

If more than one replicate, the R-hat convergence statistic across replicates

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