Model Selection
Through Model Selection, alternative model hypothesis results are competed to determine which hypothesis is best explained by the underlying data. Before conducting model selection, you should be familiar with the benefits and limitations of alternative model selection statistics.
Akaike Weights
To calculate Akaike weights for a set of hypotheses, you must first obtain
your results by either loading in saved result files, or running models directly.
Once you have obtained your results, weights can be saved after calculation
by using the functions within the Bristlecone.Data
function takes a sequence of tuples of four values: the subject's ID,
the model or hypothesis ID, the estimated result, and the Akaike weight for that result. In the
below example, we do some wrangling to get the weights into the correct format for saving:
open Bristlecone
fun modelResults subjectIds hypothesisIds ->
|> ModelSelection.Akaike.akaikeWeights
|> Seq.zip3 subjectIds hypothesisIds
|> (fun (s, h, (a, b)) -> (s, h, a, b))
|> "/some/dir"
If you are working with ResultSet
s, calculating and saving the weights is easier, and can
be completed as below:
fun (hypothesisResults: ModelSelection.ResultSet.ResultSet<string, Language.Hypotheses.Hypothesis> seq) ->
|> ModelSelection.Akaike.akaikeWeightsForSet (fun h -> h.ReferenceCode)
|> "/some/dir"
module Bristlecone from Bristlecone
<namespacedoc><summary>The core library of Bristlecone, containing model-fitting functions.</summary></namespacedoc>
Main functionality of Bristlecone, including functions to scaffold `ModelSystem`s and for model-fitting (tests and real fits).
namespace Bristlecone
<summary>Contains tools for conducting Model Selection across individual subjects and hypotheses.</summary>
<summary>Functions for conducting Akaike Information Criterion (AIC).</summary>
<summary>Akaike weights for a sequence of `EstimationResult`s.</summary>
<param name="models">The input model results</param>
<returns>An (EstimationResult * float) sequence of estimation results paired to their Akaike weights.</returns>
<exception name="ArgumentException">Occurs when there are no observations within an estimation result.</exception>
module Seq from Bristlecone
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
<summary>Organises multiple hypotheses and multiple subjects into distinct analysis groups.</summary>
<summary>A representation of all results for a particular subject and hypothesis</summary>
val string: value: 'T -> string
type string = System.String
<summary> An F# Domain Specific Language (DSL) for scripting with Bristlecone. </summary>
<summary>Types to represent a hypothesis, given that a hypothesis is a model system that contains some alternate formulations of certain components.</summary>
union case Language.Hypotheses.Hypothesis.Hypothesis: ModelSystem.ModelSystem * Language.Hypotheses.ComponentName list -> Language.Hypotheses.Hypothesis
type Hypothesis = | Hypothesis of ModelSystem * ComponentName list member Components: ComponentName list member Model: ModelSystem member ReferenceCode: string
<summary>A hypothesis consists of a model system and the names of the swappable components within it, alongside the name of their current implementation.</summary>
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq
type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
<summary>Akaike weights for a result set.</summary>
<param name="getRefCode">A function that gets a short reference code from a hypothesis.</param>
<param name="set">A sequence of `ResultSet`s, within each the 1 .. many results of a particular subject * hypothesis combination.</param>
<returns>An `(EstimationResult * float) seq` of estimation results paired to their Akaike weights.</returns>
<exception cref="ArgumentException">Occurs when there are no observations within an estimation result.</exception>
<summary>Compiles a reference code that may be used to identify (although not necessarily uniquely) this hypothesis</summary>
<returns>A string in the format XX_XXX_YY_YYY... where XX_XXX is a singe component with XX the component and XXX the implementation.</returns>